朱治亚.美国高等教育国际化发展动向及中国的应对策略[J].军事高等教育研究,2024,47(2):54-60 本文二维码信息
Development Trends of Internationalization of Higher Education in the United States and Chin’s Countermeasures
中文关键词:  高等教育  国际化  美国
Key Words:higher education  internationalization  the United Sates of America
朱治亚 南京邮电大学国际合作交流处 
摘要点击次数: 358
全文下载次数: 656
      In the context of rapid globalization,higher education is facing new opportunities and challenges. Internationalization,as an important tool for responding to globalization,has become an important tool for the United States to win in the field of higher education. This article analyzes the policy framework of the internationalization of higher education in the United States,explores its policy mechanism,analyzes its current policies and plans,and proposes feasible strategic measures for China to respond to the globalization of higher education. The internationalization of higher education in China requires the construction of an international operation system,encouragement of cross-cultural exchange activities,exploration of local internationalization activities,the use of technology to build a platform for international cooperation and exchange,and the strengthening of international cooperation and communication. Only by focusing on the current situation,taking a long-term perspective,and finding a new positioning in the international environment can we provide endogenous motivation and strategic opportunities for cultivating global innovative talents.
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