任力群.FCPTI模式下的研究生创新能力培养研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2024,47(1):43-46 本文二维码信息
Research on Cultivating Graduate Students' Innovation Ability under the FCPTI Model
中文关键词:  研究生  创新能力  科研机构
Key Words:graduate student  innovation capability  scientific research institute
任力群 国防科技大学第六十三研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1042
全文下载次数: 774
      With the continuous expansion of enrollment scale of graduate students,it has attracted great concern from scientific research institutes that how to efficiently solve the problems facing current graduate student education,including shortage in cultivating resources,limitation in the number of faculties,inflexibility in cultivating pattern,and over-simplified evaluating system. These problems plague the cultivating of graduate students’innovation capability,and hinder practitioners from serving our country’s major strategic needs,such as national talent cultivation and technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Based on the exploration experience of the sixty-third research institute,this paper first summarizes the practical needs for cultivating the innovation capability of graduate students. Afterwards,the problems facing current cultivating pattern are analyzed in detail. Then,a new pattern is summarized which includes five elements,i.e.,frontier-leading,comprehensive-evaluating,project-dominating,team-cultivating,ideology and politics-collaborating,FCPTI for short. Finally,the effectiveness of the FCPTI pattern is analyzed. We hope the results obtained in this work can provide useful insights for different types of scientific research institutes,thus serving our country’s innovation-driven development policy.
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