朱家华,曹扬悦也,汪洋,雷鹏正,侯艺华.新时期国家公派联合培养博士研究生面临的问题与对策思考——基于国外导师选择的视角[J].军事高等教育研究,2024,47(1):26-32,42 本文二维码信息
Problems Faced by Government-Sponsored Joint PhD Students in the New Era and Possible Solutions—The Perspective of the Choice of Foreign Supervisors
中文关键词:  新时期  博士生  联合培养  导师选择
Key Words:the new era  PhD students  joint-training  selection of supervisors
朱家华 国防科技大学气象海洋学院 
曹扬悦也 国防科技大学军政基础教育学院 
汪洋 国防科技大学气象海洋学院 
雷鹏正 国防科技大学气象海洋学院 
侯艺华 国防科技大学研究生院 
摘要点击次数: 814
全文下载次数: 715
      The“Government-sponsored Postgraduate Program for Building High-level Universities”is a strategic initiative to further implement the development goal of strengthening the country with talents. The government-supported joint PhD students belong to the high-level internationally-cultivated talents,and their problems encountered in the process of studying abroad deserve in-depth analyses and consideration. Among these problems,the choice of foreign supervisors is one of the most critical factors affecting the effectiveness of study abroad. From the perspective of the selection of foreign supervisors,this paper analyzes the main problems encountered in the selection of foreign supervisors from the aspects of supervisor’s academic vitality,the degree of professional relevance and the influence of political factors. In addition,relevant problems are broadly examined according to the requirements of postgraduate education development plan in the new era and the current international situation. Specific suggestions for students,organizations and universities those students affiliate to and the China Scholarship Council are given,which can provide a useful reference for further improving the quality of government-supported joint doctoral students.
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