徐康立,周雷,王保华.基于因子分析的军校学员学习动力关键影响因素研究——以L军校学员为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2024,47(1):4-13,113 本文二维码信息
Study on Key Influencing Factors of Cadets’Learning Motivation Based on Factor Analysis—The Case of the Cadets in a Military Academy
中文关键词:  军校学员  学习动力  因子分析
Key Words:cadet  learning motivation  factor analysis
徐康立 陆军工程大学 
周雷 陆军工程大学 
王保华 陆军工程大学 
摘要点击次数: 812
全文下载次数: 844
      The learning motivation of the cadets not only determines the success or failure of their studies in school,but also lays the foundation for their future career and lifelong learning. Since the motivation of students to study in school is influenced by many factors,in order to explore the key causes of the learning motivation,the paper evaluates and analyzes the internal and external factors affecting the learning motivation,and constructs a model covering the three dimensions of individual,micro dynamic environment and macro static environment. With the questionnaire data from cadets in a military academy,factor analysis of 30 associated evaluation indexes was employed to extract the key factors affecting the student learning motivation,respectively drive(8.257%),external inducement(19.902%),school environment(13.447%)and social environment(9.280%). Comprehensive analysis of the key influencing factors and the objective situation of the current learning motivation for military cadets,can provide ideas and reference for improving the quality of running schools,optimizing the running mode,enriching the learning resources and improving the quality of student training in the future.
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