王晓燕,刘金波.军队院校教师专业阶段化发展策略研究——基于NVivo12软件的质性分析[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(4):90-97 本文二维码信息
Research on the Strategies of Teacher Professional Development in Stages in Military Academies—A Qualitative Analysis Based on NVivo12
中文关键词:  军队院校  教师  专业发展  发展策略  NVivo
Key Words:military academies  teachers  professional development  development strategy  NVivo
王晓燕 空军勤务学院基础部 
刘金波 空军勤务学院基础部 
摘要点击次数: 1065
全文下载次数: 1056
      Teachers’professional development in stages means their development can be viewed as a process of developing in stages. Interviews were used to collect qualitative data,and qualitative research was conducted using Content Analysis. To integrate teachers’professional development with their professional,life and family cycles,this paper divides teachers’professional development into novice stage,ability-building stage,career stability stage and expert stage,and interprets the factors influencing each stage of teachers’professional development from multiple perspectives,and provides concrete strategies of teachers’professional development. The main conclusions are as follows:For novice teachers the incentive measures and support system should focus on their integration into the organizational system and their understanding of the role of teachers;for teachers in the stage of capacity building the focus should be on the improvement of their teaching skills,and the opportunity for them to learn;for teachers in the period of career stability the focus should be on dealing with the problems of career plateau,career slack or slack of professional growth opportunities in order to promote the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical application;for expert teachers the focus should be satisfying their needs of sharing professional achievements,task-oriented and solving the problems of professional development bottleneck.
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