程巧.英国高等教育内部质量保障体系研究——以帝国理工学院为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(4):70-76 本文二维码信息
Research on Internal Quality Assurance System of UK Higher Education—A Case Study of Imperial College London
中文关键词:  质量保障  英国高等教育  帝国理工学院  内部质量保障体系
Key Words:quality assurance  UK higher education  Imperial College London  internal quality assurance system
程巧 国防科技大学教学考评中心 
摘要点击次数: 1128
全文下载次数: 1080
      The quality assurance system of higher education in UK depends mainly on the university internal part which works together with the external part organically. Therefore,the UK higher education internal quality assurance system has been developed very well. Taking Imperial College London as the representative case,five main characteristics about the UK higher education internal quality assurance system can be concluded:it is based on a scientific and complete mechanism,aims at the effective continuous improvement,covers comprehensive learning forms,ensures both the breadth and depth of students’participation,and emphasizes data information for supporting. In developing the internal quality assurance system of higher education in China,six implications can be included:Strengthen the top-level design and optimize the system structure;Improve the policy system and lay the responsibility explicitly in every part;Focus on the continuous improvement and strengthen the follow-up mechanism;Pay attention to comprehensive assurance and build up quality culture;Deepen and broaden students’ participation and care about students’ experience;Improve the support of data and increase the public accountability.
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