廖怡然.外语跨文化人才培养模式构建:基于在地国际化视角[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(4):30-35,120 本文二维码信息
Development of Intercultural Foreign Language Talents Training Pattern: The Perspective of Internationalization at Home
中文关键词:  在地国际化  外语教育  跨文化能力
Key Words:internationalization at home  foreign language education  intercultural competence
廖怡然 清华大学语言教学中心 
摘要点击次数: 1163
全文下载次数: 1476
      Internationalization at home is a model of the internationalization of higher education,not based on cross-border mobility. Its fundamental purpose is to cultivate the international and intercultural competence of all students within the local environment. As an emerging concept of higher education,internationalization at home has attracted more attention in the post pandemic era. Based on review of the connotation and characteristics of internationalization at home,as well as analysis of the reasons for practicing internationalization at home in foreign language education,the development of the intercultural foreign language talents training pattern based on internationalization at home involves the active participation of universities (organizational dimension), courses and activities (curriculum dimension), teachers and students (personnel dimension), exploring the practical path of intercultural talents training based on internationalization at home from these three dimensions, which provides a new perspective for developing intercultural competence of all students and solving problems such as educational equity and“Chinese Culture Aphasia”in foreign language education.
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