王丹,张鹏,王保华.浅析军队院校智慧教学的内涵与理念[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(4):24-29 本文二维码信息
The Connotation and Concept of Intelligent Teaching in Military Academies
中文关键词:  军队院校  智慧教学  教学理念  学习观
Key Words:military academy  intelligent teaching  teaching concept  learning concept
王丹 陆军工程大学教研保障中心 
张鹏 陆军工程大学教研保障中心 
王保华 陆军工程大学教务处 
摘要点击次数: 1132
全文下载次数: 1153
      By reviewing the development of the knowledge view,wisdom view and the connotation of intelligent teaching,it is concluded that the essence of intelligent teaching is to turn teaching from imparting knowledge to developing students’wisdom with the application of information technology. The teaching concepts of cultivating military wisdom with intelligent teaching in military academies are also proposed,which includes the concepts of learning,teaching and technology. In terms of learning concept,the learning strategy should be changed from knowledge cognition to metacognition. The learning levels should be changed from superficial learning to deep learning. The learning activities should be changed from single individuals to group intelligence collaboration. In terms of teaching concept,the embodied teaching,the generative teaching and the in-depth teaching should be highlighted. In terms of technology concept,the intelligent technology should be utilized to simulate real combat,enable high-level learning and construct new learning ecology. The generation of cadets’military wisdom can be promoted with intelligent teachers,intelligent teaching content,intelligent teaching design and intelligent teaching technology.
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