程广利,陈亚男,廖麒豪.本科四年一贯式专业课程思政研究与实践[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(3):83-86 本文二维码信息
The Consistent Professional Curriculum Ideology and Politics Education in the Whole Four Years for Undergraduates
中文关键词:  专业课程  课程思政  四年一贯式
Key Words:professional curriculum  curriculum ideological and political education  consistency in four years
程广利 海军工程大学电子工程学院 
陈亚男 海军工程大学电子工程学院 
廖麒豪 海军工程大学电子工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 2053
全文下载次数: 1765
      课程思政是一种教育理念,承载着培养学员世界观、人生观和价值观的使命任务。阐述了“思政”二字的内涵和课程思政的发展历程,剖析了军队院校专业课程思政建设中存在的三个典型问题。以问题为牵引,明确了专业课程思政建设的“三点” 原则。按照“迎一程、引进门、领上桌”的专业课程思政建设思路,开展了水声工程专业本科四年一贯式专业课程思政的改革实践。实践结果表明,学员强军责任感、专业归属感、学习体验感得到明显增强。
      Curriculum ideological and political education is an educational concept that carries the mission of cultivating students’worldview,views on life and values. The connotation of“ideology and politics”and the development course of curriculum ideological and political education are expounded. Three typical problems existing in the construction of professional curriculum ideological and political education in military academies are analyzed. Under the traction of the problems,three principles for constructing the professional curriculum ideological and political education are provided. The construction ideas are greeting in a certain distance,bringing in the door,and leading to the table. Under the guidance of the above trains of thought,the consistent professional curriculum ideology and politics education in four-year undergraduate education for the Underwater Acoustic Engineering major has been carried out. Results show that students' sense of responsibility, professional belonging,and learning experience for building a strong military have been significantly enhanced.
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