刘严,雷菁,黄英,黄定.“五环联动”的课程思政体系化方案建设与实践——以“信息论与编码基础”课程为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(3):77-82 本文二维码信息
The Construction and Practice of“Five Links Linkage”Curriculum Ideological and Political Systemization Scheme:Taking the Course of“Information Theory and Coding Fundamentals”as an Example
中文关键词:  课程思政  顶层规划  信息论与编码基础  五环联动  整体设计
Key Words:curriculum ideological and political education  top-level planning  information theory and coding fundamentals  five links linkage  overall design
刘严 国防科技大学电子科学学院 
雷菁 国防科技大学电子科学学院 
黄英 国防科技大学电子科学学院 
黄定 高等教育出版社教育部全国高校教师网络培训中心 
摘要点击次数: 2225
全文下载次数: 2797
      The curriculum ideological and political education is a strategic measure to implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people,which puts forward higher requirements for the teaching of professional courses. It requires top-level planning,systematic design and overall promotion to effectively improve the effectiveness of education. Taking the course of Information Theory and Coding Fundamentals as an example and based on the characteristics of the course and the teaching practice,the study puts forward an innovative design scheme of “five links linkage” for the ideological and political education in the course,namely,“analysis of the starting point”,“establishment of goals”, “teaching implementation ”, “assessment” and “continuous improvement”. The concept of ideological and political education in this course is “focusing on student development, guided by national needs, and building a learning community for teachers and students”. It constructs a complete system for the ideological and political education in the course,and provides reference for the ideological and political education in other professional courses.
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