傅爱国.锻造支撑一流院校的师资队伍——国防科技大学建校70年的实践与启示[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(3):6-10 本文二维码信息
Forging a Faculty Team that Supports First-Class Universities:Enlightenment from the 70 Years’History of National University of Defense Technology
中文关键词:  国防科技大学  “哈军工”  师资队伍建设
Key Words:National University of Defense Technology  Harbin Military Academy of Engineering  construction of the faculty team
傅爱国 国防科技大学 
摘要点击次数: 2915
全文下载次数: 4229
      As the 70th anniversary of the founding of National University of Defense Technology(NUDT)approaches,it is of great historical value and practical significance to summarize the experience of faculty team construction. The experience of NUDT has shown that one of the reasons of gaining remarkable achievements is continuous construction of the faculty team which has been regarded as the focus and key point to improve the quality of education. Holding fast to the five principles,that is,talent management by the Communist Party of China,diversified integration,combination of training and use,contribution-oriented rule,and wholehearted service,is a valuable experience for NUDT to forge a large array of first-class faculty members. Facing the future,NUDT should inherit and carry forward the fine tradition,solve existing problems,optimize policies and mechanisms,and advocate initiative spirit in order to provide support for“striving to turn NUDT into a highland for training high-quality new military personnel and for independent innovation in national defense technology,accelerating the building of NUDT into a world-class university with Chinese military characteristics”.
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