张来线,孙华燕,郑海晶,郭惠超,张怀利,张廷华.新工科理念下的军校工科专业基础课程教学改革研究——以光电信息科学与工程专业本科“物理光学”为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2022,45(3):60-64 本文二维码信息
Research on the Teaching of Basic Major Courses for Emerging Engineering Majors in Military Academies Based on Emerging Engineering Education Ideas:A Case Study of Physical Optics,an Undergraduate Course for Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering Major
中文关键词:  军队院校  强军新工科  教学模式
Key Words:military academy  emerging engineering for strengthening the armed forces  teaching mode
张来线 战略支援部队航天工程大学电子与光学工程系 
孙华燕 战略支援部队航天工程大学电子与光学工程系 
郑海晶 战略支援部队航天工程大学电子与光学工程系 
郭惠超 战略支援部队航天工程大学电子与光学工程系 
张怀利 战略支援部队航天工程大学电子与光学工程系 
张廷华 战略支援部队航天工程大学电子与光学工程系 
摘要点击次数: 2600
全文下载次数: 2985
      As an important part of national emerging engineering education,emerging engineering education for strengthening the armed forces focuses on military personnel training. One of its main tasks is to reform the teaching mode of basic courses for engineering majors in military academies. This study integrates the emerging engineering education ideas into the teaching of physical optics,a compulsory course for optoelectronic information science and engineering undergraduates,reforming the course content,teaching methods and evaluation methodology. The new course takes military needs as the guide,uses scientific research achievements as a bridge,makes full use of the advantages of Internet plus teaching resources,builds links from basic theory to military competence and adopts multidimensional assessment to evaluate students’comprehensive ability. The results shed light on motivating students to learn,improving learning effect and cultivating job-oriented innovation ability.
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