徐蕴,汤大朋.国际高等教育教学研究进程、热点及启示[J].军事高等教育研究,2022,45(2):10-19,42 本文二维码信息
The Process,Hot Spots and Enlightenment of International Higher Education Teaching Research in Recent Ten Years
中文关键词:  高等教育  教学研究  文献可视化  研究述评
Key Words:higher education  teaching research  visualization of documents  literature review
徐蕴 南京中医药大学中西医结合护理研究所 
汤大朋 南京中医药大学中西医结合护理研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2582
全文下载次数: 2856
      借助Citespace软件对《Teaching in Higher Education》杂志2011年至2020年十年间发表的779篇论文进行可视化分析,回顾近十年国际高等教育教学研究的发展进程,了解研究的焦点、热点及趋势。研究结果显示,该领域研究开展较为广泛,发达国家在该领域研究优势明显,但南非、中国等发展中国家也正在逐步成为重要的研究力量,研究的国际合作趋势明显,不同国家的机构间开展了密切的科研协作,“高中与大学教育衔接”“跨境与留学生教育”“教学方法研究”“学生心理关注”“通用教学设计”“批判性反思”等是重要的研究热点。后期我国可以从“推进学段衔接”“改革教学路径”“关注教师发展”“提升全球影响”等方面全面推进相关研究。
      With the help of Citespace software,779 papers published in Teaching in Higher Education from 2011 to 2020 were visually analyzed,and the development process of international higher education teaching research in recent ten years was reviewed to understand the focus,hot spots and trends of research. The research results show that the research in this field is extensive,and developed countries have obvious advantages in this field. However,developing countries such as South Africa and China are gradually becoming important research forces,and the trend of international cooperation in research is obvious. Institutions in different countries have carried out close scientific research collaboration,especially in the study of“connecting high school with university education”,“cross-border education with foreign students”,“teaching method research”,“students’psychological concern”,“general teaching design”and“critical reflexivity”. China can comprehensively promote relevant research from the aspects of“promoting the convergence of learning segments”,“reforming the teaching path”,“paying attention to the development of teachers”and“enhancing the global influence”.
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