任明秋,王冰切,冷毅,商犇.电子对抗专业应用型人才实践教学研究——以“电子对抗技术与指挥”人才培养方案为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2022,45(1):116-120 本文二维码信息
Study on Practical Teaching of Talents Specializing in Electronic Countermeasurse:The Talent Cultivation Plan for ECM Technology and Command Major
中文关键词:  电子对抗专业  应用型人才  培养模式改革
Key Words:ECM major  talents with practical abilities  training model reform
任明秋 空军预警学院信息对抗系 
王冰切 空军预警学院信息对抗系 
冷毅 空军预警学院信息对抗系 
商犇 94654部队 
摘要点击次数: 4324
全文下载次数: 4322
      Military education policies in the new era make the cultivation of practical ability of applied talents increasingly become the core issue of higher education in military academies,in order to meet the challenges of new military reform and a new round of intelligent war,and implement the strategy of strengthening the army with science and technology. This paper aims at solving the problems existing in training talents specializing in electronic countermeasures(ECM)in order to meet the requirements necessary for the army and the posts. It also analyzes the characteristics and talent training standards of this discipline. Taking the talent training program of ECM technology and command as an example,the reform and practice of the training program of talents with practical abilities were carried out. Adopting the notion of“combination of theory and technology and integration of war and technology”,we built a“three modules and one certification”curriculum system,constructed a system of integrated practice teaching platform,and provided a key support for improving the quality of ECM major talents with optimized training programs.
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