李平俊,姜楠,苟继彬,赵毅.试论新时代军队院校高教系列职称制度改革的政策取向[J].军事高等教育研究,2022,45(1):85-89 本文二维码信息
On the Policy Orientation of the Reform of the Title System of Higher Education Series in Military Academies in the New Era
中文关键词:  职称制度  军队院校  高教系列  改革
Key Words:title system  military academies  higher education series  reform
李平俊 陆军勤务学院勤务指挥系 
姜楠 陆军勤务学院勤务指挥系 
苟继彬 陆军勤务学院勤务指挥系 
赵毅 陆军勤务学院勤务指挥系 
摘要点击次数: 2722
全文下载次数: 3531
      Teachers are the first resources for the construction and development of military academies. A scientific and efficient job title system is very important for building high-level college teachers. This paper analyzes the policy orientation and system design ideas of the reform of the higher education series of title systems in military academies in the new era on the basis of in-depth study and understanding of the latest policies of the CPC Central Committee,the State Council and the organs of the Military Commission. The development course of the reform of the title system in military academies is taken into consideration. The analysis is done from the following aspects:stimulating vitality as the purpose,classified evaluation to promote fairness, strong sense of serving in the army as the guidance,equal importance of evaluation and appointment to strengthen the mechanism,and information technology to increase efficiency.
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