肖锐,鲁力,黄晓斌.军队院校联教联训现实问题分析与对策研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2022,45(1):46-51,80 本文二维码信息
The Practical Problems and Countermeasures of Joint Teaching & Joint Training in Military Academies
中文关键词:  装备教学  人才培养  联教联训
Key Words:equipment teaching  talent training  joint teaching & joint training
肖锐 空军预警学院空天预警系 
鲁力 空军预警学院空天预警系 
黄晓斌 空军预警学院空天预警系 
摘要点击次数: 2682
全文下载次数: 3367
      The development of science and technology leads to the timely change of the equipment and types of combat. The problem of lack of professional personnel with the position competence is more and more prominent,and the demand for equipment personnel is more and more urgent. Accordingly,military academies have tried a variety of different equipment teaching modes based on the of demand talents for various military posts. Joint teaching & joint training is one of the effective teaching modes,which can effectively cultivate high-quality modern talents who are familiar with the new equipment and can meet the demand of position competence. Some experiences of implementing joint teaching & joint training have been summarized,and the problems in the specific application of practical problems have also been analyzed. With an analysis of the causes of the problems,we put forward some suggestions for improvement. It is hoped to further promote the joint teaching & joint training work of the army in the future and play a positive role in the practical benefits.
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