郭玉婷,贾文军.大学生线上学习自我调节能力影响因素研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2021,44(3):63-71,90 本文二维码信息
Research on the Influencing Factors of College Students’Self-Regulation Ability in Online Learning
中文关键词:  大学生  线上学习  自我调节能力  影响因素
Key Words:college students  online learning  self-regulation ability  factor
郭玉婷 厦门大学教师发展中心 
贾文军 厦门大学教师发展中心 
摘要点击次数: 3257
全文下载次数: 4830
      Based on the survey of large-scale online teaching jointly carried out by Teacher Development Center of Xiamen University and the Chinese Network of Internal Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education(CIQA),this study carries out a mixed study,analyzes the word frequency of the open questions in the questionnaire,and constructs the LDA topic model by python programming. According to the statistics of perplexity and subject words,it is found that self-regulation ability is the focus of college students. According to the LDA topic model,we extract the corresponding structured data from the questionnaire,and further use structural equation to explore the influencing factors of college students’self-regulation ability in online learning. It is found that students’factors,teachers’factors and environmental factors have significant positive effects on college students’online learning self-regulation ability,among which family support,teaching investment and school support have the greatest impact on students’self-regulation ability. In order to achieve better online learning effect and improve the self-regulation ability of college students,this paper proposes realizing“three changes”:focus on the students with weak self-regulation ability to improve their self-regulation ability of online learning;Highlight the key content of the course and guide students to self-regulation;Strengthen the network infrastructure construction and technology upgrading,and create a good external atmosphere for online learning.
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