谢素超,井坤坤,汪浩.“一带一路”倡议下硕士留学生实践教学体系改革——以交通设备与控制工程专业为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2021,44(3):39-43 本文二维码信息
Reform of Practice Teaching System for Postgraduate Students from Overseas under“The Belt and Road”Initiative:A Case Study of Traffic Equipment and Control Engineering Major
中文关键词:  留学生教育  实践教学改革  分层次梯次  课内外联合  个性化发展
Key Words:education for overseas students  practice teaching reform  graded teaching  curricular and extra-curricular collaboration  individualized development
谢素超 中南大学交通运输工程学院 
井坤坤 中南大学轨道交通安全教育部重点实验室 
汪浩 中南大学轨道交通安全教育部重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 2641
全文下载次数: 2751
      With the“The Belt and Road”initiative put forward,the number of international students in China is increasing,and the international students’education has become an important part of China’s higher education. It is of great practical significance to reform the traditional mode of cultivating overseas students and explore the practical teaching system of cultivating high-quality international talents for the internationalization process of universities. Taking the transportation equipment and control engineering major as an example,the shortcomings of the original teaching mode are analyzed,and a new practical teaching system is built based on the characteristics of international students and the internal and external resources. While consolidating international students’basic professional knowledge,it stimulates their interest in learning,cultivates their engineering innovation consciousness and innovation ability,and achieves high-quality development in different directions and at different heights according to their own conditions. In this way,it can cultivate high-end technical talent in rail transit equipment.
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