郭学益,田庆华,陈爱良,杨英,张倍恺.工科高端国际人才的多元协同培养——以中南大学冶金与环境学院印尼班为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2021,44(2):45-50 本文二维码信息
Multi-dimensional Collaborative Training of High-end International Engineering Talents: The Indonesian Class in School of Metallurgy and Environment,Central South University
中文关键词:  “一带一路”  印尼班  “三位一体”  多元合作
Key Words:“Belt and Road”  Indonesia class  “the trinity”  pluralistic cooperation
郭学益 中南大学冶金与环境学院 
田庆华 中南大学冶金与环境学院 
陈爱良 中南大学冶金与环境学院 
杨英 中南大学冶金与环境学院 
张倍恺 中南大学冶金与环境学院 
摘要点击次数: 3094
全文下载次数: 3106
      Under the guidance of the Belt and Road Initiative,China has provided opportunities for the exchange of education among countries along the road. Given the current situation of internationalization for postgraduate students both at home and abroad,and the problems existing in the current high-end international talent cultivation process,an international Indonesian class has been established in School of Metallurgy and Environment in Central South University to systematically explore the way of training high-end international talent. The training process is guided by the cultivation of students’ability with the goal of exploring new ideas for their development,where a new model of training high-end international talents is introduced. A new form of“Trinity”cooperation,a new mechanism for multiple collaborative education and a new model of pluralistic cooperation are established. At the same time,we explore a new system for cultivating innovative talents and create a new method for cultivating engineering practical ability.
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