杨剑,夏青青.“卓越人才培养计划”的政策演进与实践特征——基于政策文本的量化研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2021,44(2):32-38,65 本文二维码信息
Policy Evolution and Practical Characteristics of“Excellent Talent Training Program”:Based on the Quantitative Research of Policy Texts
中文关键词:  卓越人才培养计划  政策演进  政策设计特征  政策文本分析
Key Words:excellent talent training program  policy evolution  policy design characteristics  policy text analysis
杨剑 安徽大学管理学院 
夏青青 安徽大学管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 3116
全文下载次数: 3338
      “卓越人才培养计划”是我国高等教育领域重要的战略部署。本文以“卓越人才培养计划”的政策演进发展和实践特征为研究目标,以 2010—2019年教育部及相关部委、省级教育行政主管部门及相关部门出台的151份政策文献为样本,以政策文本内容分析和政策网络分析为研究方法,对“卓越计划”政策文本进行分阶段研究。研究表明,从政策设计层面看,政策设计主体比较单一,政策主体区域间合作、政策深度、保障政策体系构建等方面存在一定不足。针对上述问题,本文提出了相应的政策建议。
      The“Excellent Talent Training Program”is an important strategic deployment in higher education field in China. This article takes the policy evolution,development and practical characteristics of the“Excellent Talent Training Program”as the research objective. It uses as samples 151 policy documents issued from 2010 to 2019 by the Ministry of Education and related ministries,as well as by provincial education administrative directors and related departments. Using content analysis and policy network analysis as the research methods, a phased study of the policy text is carried out. The research shows that from the perspective of policy design,the main body of policy design is relatively small,and there are certain shortcomings in the areas of cooperation between policy subjects, policy depth,and the construction of a guarantee policy system. In response to the above problems,this article puts forward corresponding policy recommendations.
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