李冬,陈玄.美国海军院校教育改革历程与展望[J].军事高等教育研究,2021,44(2):1-5 本文二维码信息
Analysis on U.S. Navy Education Development
中文关键词:  美国  海军  院校教育
Key Words:The United States  Navy  college education
李冬 军委训练管理部信息中心 
陈玄 军委训练管理部信息中心 
摘要点击次数: 2814
全文下载次数: 3630
      The U.S. Navy attaches great importance to the talent cultivation and construction of colleges and universities. The Navy education system continues to develop since the War of Independence. Well-known military academies such as the United States Naval Academy,the Naval War College,the Naval Postgraduate School,and the Marine Corps University were established,which cultivated many operational commanders and military theorists that played an important role taking naval supremacy for the United States. With national strategy adjustment,in response to the trend that the economic and technical advantages of the U.S. no longer exist and new development appears in the field of education,the Navy leadership and education experts conducted a comprehensive review of its education system,which revealed a series of problems such as no enough attention,low enrollments,lack of strict selection criteria,inadequate integration,and decline in teaching ability. Therefore,the Navy published The Naval Education for Seapower Strategy 2020,putting forward 3 pillars and 18 measures for the development of Navy education in the next 5 years. Analyses of the reform process,the current situation and the future development of the U.S. Navy education will provide valuable experience and enlightenment for the development of Chinese military education.
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