张薇妹,彭荣础.大学生综合国防素质评价指标体系构建——基于文本分析的视角[J].军事高等教育研究,2020,43(2):23-27 本文二维码信息
Construction of Comprehensive National Defense Quality Evaluation Index System for College Students:The Perspective of Text Analysis
中文关键词:  大学生综合国防素质  评价指标体系  文本分析
Key Words:college students’comprehensive national defense quality  evaluation index system  text analysis
张薇妹 厦门大学教育研究院 
彭荣础 厦门大学军事教研室 
摘要点击次数: 3738
全文下载次数: 4114
      To improve college students’comprehensive national defense quality is an important part of the comprehensive implementation of the task of moral education,and is also the basic goal of carrying out national defense education in colleges and universities in the new era. It is urgent to understand and measure the comprehensive national defense quality of college students. Based on the policies, regulations,outlines and other texts which are related to the national defense education of college students,this study uses the content analysis method,follows steps such as extracting,screening and classification,and summarizes and constructs the concept of comprehensive national defense quality of college students. It builds the preliminary evaluation index system of college students’comprehensive national defense quality which contains 5 primary indicators,including national defense physical and mental quality,national defense knowledge,national defense skills,national defense notions and national defense emotions,and 20 secondary indicators. It helps to promote the relevant theoretical research and practice.
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