涂艳,张耀杰,何晓娜.翻转课堂知识建构效果影响因素综述与提升策略研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2019,42(1):64-71 本文二维码信息
Review on the Influencing Factors and the Promotion Strategy of Knowledge Construction Effect in the Flipped Classroom
中文关键词:  翻转课堂  知识建构效果  学习者  教师  影响因素
Key Words:flipped classroom  knowledge construction effect  learners  teachers  influence factors
基金项目:北京市教育科学“十二五” 规划重点课题(ADA15165)
涂艳 中央财经大学信息学院 
张耀杰 中央财经大学信息学院 
何晓娜 中央财经大学信息学院 
摘要点击次数: 4306
全文下载次数: 4019
      With the popularity of the flipped classroom based on the Massive Open Online Course(MOOC)platform,the knowledge construction effect of flipped classroom has become an important indicator to measure the teaching quality. Firstly,this paper reviews the results related to the factors affecting the construction of knowledge in the flipped classroom,and summarizes the relevant research conclusions of the concept,characteristics,entity and process of knowledge construction. Secondly,this paper clarifies the internal and external factors that affect the effect of knowledge construction from the perspective of MOOC teaching platform,teachers and learners. Finally,it summarizes the strategy of improving the knowledge construction effect in the flipped classroom. Based on the existing research results,this paper explores ways to improve learners’knowledge construction,reveals the future research trend and provides reference for future researchers.
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