汪庆桃,陈志阳,吴克刚.关于提升学员综合实践能力的思考——以“军事目标爆破” 课程为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2018,41(3):111-115 本文二维码信息
关于提升学员综合实践能力的思考——以“军事目标爆破” 课程为例
An Overview of Improving the Comprehensive Practice Ability: The Case of Military Target Blasting Course
中文关键词:  军事目标爆破  培养目标  综合实践能力  课程体系
Key Words:military target blasting  training target  comprehensive practical ability  curriculum system
汪庆桃 国防科技大学军事基础教育学院 
陈志阳 国防科技大学军事基础教育学院 
吴克刚 国防科技大学军事基础教育学院 
摘要点击次数: 4307
全文下载次数: 4249
      军事目标爆破综合实践能力,对于培养学员战斗精神和利用爆破技术遂行作战工程保障任务,具有重要意义。分析了当前制约学员军事目标爆破实践能力提高的因素,提出应建立以军事目标爆破为主要内容,以熟练掌握运用各种制式装备器材为手段,以培养学员观察思考能力、知识综合运用能力、综合实践能力、组织指挥能力为宗旨的实践教学课程体系,设计了“课堂教学、课程实践、课后设计、课堂研讨、考核验收” 等相互衔接的教学环节体系,该体系有利于学员掌握课程知识、提升实践技能,激发学习兴趣。并提出了拓展学员军事目标爆破综合实践能力提升的渠道。
      The comprehensive practical ability of military target blasting is of great significance to cultivate cadets’fighting spirit and to carry out the supporting task of combat engineering by using blasting technology. This paper analyzed the factors restricting the improvement of the practical ability of the military target blasting. It was proposed that the main content should be military target blasting and the major task should be to master the use of various types of standard equipment and the purpose should be to cultivate the cadets’observation and thinking ability,comprehensive ability to use knowledge,practical ability,ability of organization and command. We designed several interrelated teaching sections including classroom teaching,curriculum practice,after-class design,classroom discussion,examination and acceptance,which are conducive for students to master the curriculum knowledge,enhance practical skill and stimulate interest in learning. Suggestions on how to expand cadets’comprehensive practice ability of the military target blasting was also put forward.
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