李小波,王维平,王涛,朱一凡,雷永林.系统工程专业研究生“四季培养法” 初探[J].军事高等教育研究,2018,41(3):106-110,120 本文二维码信息
系统工程专业研究生“四季培养法” 初探
A Study on“Four Seasons Cultivation Method”for Postgraduates Majoring in Systems Engineering
中文关键词:  四季培养法  系统工程  研究生培养  案例推演
Key Words:four seasons cultivation method  systems engineering  graduate cultivation  case deduction
李小波 国防科技大学系统工程学院 
王维平 国防科技大学系统工程学院 
王涛 国防科技大学系统工程学院 
朱一凡 国防科技大学系统工程学院 
雷永林 国防科技大学系统工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 3917
全文下载次数: 3418
      系统工程专业具备理论交叉性强、工程实践性强、岗位综合性强等特点,当前该专业研究生培养存在“不实、不新、不全” 等问题。针对这些问题,提出了面向系统工程专业研究生的“四季培养法”。该方法遵循“学术引领、科研落地、推演升华、修养完善” 的原则,按照每个阶段的工作重点和特色化培养活动,将每个自然年分成学术季、科研季、推演季和修养季四个培养季,开展“教学、学术和科研” 三位一体的综合性人才培养。通过该方法的初步探索和实践,建立了“顶层设计-个人计划-过程监控-效果反馈” 的前馈式全过程培养机制,团队研究生培养效果显著改善。
      The major of systems engineering has the characteristics of strong theoretical cross-cutting,strong engineering practice,and strong post comprehensiveness,which brings problems in postgraduate cultivation,such as lack of applicability,novelty and comprehensiveness. To solve these problems,the“four seasons cultivation method”for systems engineering graduate students is proposed. This method follows the principles of“guidance by academic work,implementation by scientific research,sublimation by deduction,and perfection by accomplishment”. According to the work focus and featured training activities at each stage,each natural year is divided into four seasons:academic season,scientific research season,deduction season and cultivation season. During the training season,we will develop a comprehensive talent training system of“teaching,academic work,and scientific research”. Through the initial exploration and practice of this method,the whole-process forward-feeding mechanism of“top-level design,individual planning,process monitoring,and effect feedback”has been established,and the training effect of graduate student teams has been significantly improved.
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