尚利霞.基于因子分析法的“远程教育教师课堂互动行为” 审视———以地方广播电视大学为研究案例[J].军事高等教育研究,2018,41(3):50-63 本文二维码信息
基于因子分析法的“远程教育教师课堂互动行为” 审视———以地方广播电视大学为研究案例
A Survey of“Teachers’Classroom Interaction Behavior in Remote Education”:The Case of Local Radio and Television University
中文关键词:  因子分析法  课堂互动行为  审视与思考
Key Words:factor analysis  classroom interaction behavior  review and reflection
尚利霞 常德广播电视大学开放教育学院 
摘要点击次数: 3991
全文下载次数: 3954
      随着“终身教育” 理念的回归和强化,开放大学在新的国际教育思潮中发挥历史优势,立足现代教育技术,探索现代信息技术与教育的深度融合、提高教学质量,成为其核心任务。QTI问卷的“课堂互动行为” 指标,为开放大学探索发展路径提供了新视角。以QTI量表为工具,运用因子分析法,对常德广播电视大学等六所地方广播电视大学进行实证研究发现,领导行为、理解行为、犹豫行为、严格行为四个公因素,对远程教育教师课堂互动行为的良性发展意义举足轻重,与原量表维度存在差异,这是由于开放大学的教学对象和授课形式的不同而形成的差异。
      With the return and strengthening of the concept of “lifelong education”,the core task for open universities to do is take advantage of modern education technology to explore its deep integration with education and improve teaching quality. The“Classroom Interaction Behavior”indicator of the QTI questionnaire provides a new perspective for research. Using the QTI scale as a tool,the study designed an empirical study,which involved six local radio and TV universities,including Changde Radio and TV University. Factor analyses show that four public factors,leadership behavior,understanding behavior,hesitation behavior,and strict behavior,played an important role in teachers’interaction behavior in remote education. The benign development of interactive behavior is of great significance,which is different from the dimension of the original scale. This is due to the differences in the teaching objects and teaching styles of open universities.
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