钟金宏,王红叶,郭奥琪.“互联网+”时代信管专业认知调查与分析[J].军事高等教育研究,2018,41(1):29-37 本文二维码信息
Investigation and Analysis on the Cognition of Information Management and Information System Specialty in the Internet plus Era
中文关键词:  互联网+时代  信息管理与信息系统  专业认知  人才培养
Key Words:Internet plus era  Information management and information system  Professional cognition  Talent training
钟金宏 合肥工业大学管理学院 
王红叶 合肥工业大学管理学院 
郭奥琪 合肥工业大学管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 5950
全文下载次数: 4345
      In order to better promote the reform of the teaching system for information management and information system (IM),we have conducted a survey on the professional cognition and talent training among the students majoring in IM,their teachers and potential employers. Based on the data gathered,we arrive at the following conclusions:the focus of informatization construction has shifted to the deep integration of technology and management concept,and effective utilization of data;Massive Open Online Courses and other online learning have great impact on the current teaching pattern;Big data,cloud computing,Internet of things,Internet plus,intelligent manufacturing and business intelligence are the latest technologies and concepts in the field of information management;The cultivation of knowledge and skills in data mining and analysis should be strengthened at present;the information literacy of educational audience has been greatly improved. Accordingly,suggestions for the teaching reform are proposed.
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