杜云翔,李梁君.基于信息化实践的大型仪器共享激励机制研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2017,40(3):116-120 本文二维码信息
A Study on the Incentive Mechanism for Sharing Large Instruments Based on the Practice of Informatization
中文关键词:  大型仪器  信息化  共享  激励机制
Key Words:large instruments  informatization  sharing  incentive mechanism
基金项目:广东省科研设施与仪器向社会开放共享(试点) 及共享服务管理模式创新项目(2015B030304001);广东工业大学高教研究基金项目(2016GJ10);广东工业大学青年基金项目(15ZS0027)
杜云翔 广东工业大学实验室与设备管理处 
李梁君 广东工业大学实验室与设备管理处 
摘要点击次数: 3952
全文下载次数: 3795
      With the continuous of higher education enterprise and improvement of scientific research conditions,the quality and quantity of large instruments in colleges and universities have been greatly improved,scientific research environment growing sustainably. But low utilization rate is a normal state of large instruments. How to inspire the potential of large instruments is an urgent affair of colleges and universities. Therefore,relying on the advanced information technology and innovation of management theory and setting up the large equipment sharing management system in colleges and universities is not only helpful for integration of high quality resources,but also can improve the level of equipment sharing and utilization effectively. Combined with experience of Guangdong University of Technology in construction of large instruments sharing platform,the paper mainly expounds the sharing platform in construction concept,functions,benefits,and the incentive mechanism,aiming at enhancing the further sharing of large instruments.
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