张劭恺,刘向晖,张驰,李苗,张少博.河南省中小城市高等教育投入效率及影响因素分析[J].军事高等教育研究,2017,40(3):96-102 本文二维码信息
An Analysis of Higher Education Input Efficiency and Impact Factor of Small and Medium-sized Cities of Henan Province
中文关键词:  高等教育投入效率  DEA-Tobit  河南省中小城市
Key Words:higher education input efficiency  DEA-Tobit  small and medium-sized cities in Henan Province
张劭恺 新疆农业大学管理学院 
刘向晖 新疆农业大学管理学院 
张驰 新疆农业大学管理学院 
李苗 新疆农科院农业经济与科技信息研究所 
张少博 新疆农业大学林业研究所 
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全文下载次数: 3670
      To study the efficiency and influence factors of higher education in the small and medium-sized cities of Henan province. Based on the panel data of 17 small and medium-sized cities from 2006 to 2014 in Henan province,the efficiency and influence factors of education in small and medium-sized cities of Henan province are studied under the DEA-Tobit two-stage analysis framework. The unreasonable allocation of education resources and inadequate investment in education are the main reasons for low efficiency of education in the small and medium-sized cities of Henan province. GDP per person,primary industry investment and tertiary industry practitioners are negatively correlated with education input efficiency. The urbanization rate,the investment in the secondary industry and the efficiency of the education input are positively correlated. The relationship between financial decentralization,primary industry and tertiary industry investment and education input efficiency are not obvious. The education expenditure structure needs to be optimized;education resources are allocated reasonably and the three industrial structures are adjusted to improve the efficiency of education.
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