王玉龙,李骁,雍成纲.MOOC在线学习者学习心理调查研究——以梦课平台学习者为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2017,40(3):31-38 本文二维码信息
A Survey of Psychology of Online Learning in MOOC based on MengKe MOOC Platform
中文关键词:  慕课  在线学习  心理分析  问卷调查
Key Words:MOOC  online learning  psychological analysis  online survey
王玉龙 国防科技大学信息中心 
李骁 国防科技大学信息中心 
雍成纲 国防科技大学信息中心 
摘要点击次数: 5477
全文下载次数: 4331
      Recently,as an emergent online e-education model,MOOC Massive Open Online Courses,has attracted millions of learners all over the world. Due to its important educational and social impact,MOOC have become a hot research topic in online education research community. As a kind of learner-centered online education activities,studying the psychology of online learning and psychological changes of MOOC learners in different learning status is an important research direction. Through psychological analysis of learners,MOOC educators can have great benefits in improving quality of education resources as well as teaching efficiency. Based on the MengKe MOOC platform hosted at National University of Defense Technology, this paper conducts a large-scale online survey from June 2016 to August 2016 to study the characteristics of psychology of online learning in MOOC including learner demographics,extrinsic learning environment and intrinsic motivation of learning. The writers of this paper have conducted a detailed statistical analysis on the survey data,discovered several problems of current psychology of MOOC learning and proposed practical advice for MOOC learners and educators.
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