彭爱武.远程教育英语学习者特征的个案研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2017,40(2):115-120 本文二维码信息
Inferences from a Case Study:Characteristics of Learners of English-based BA Programme of Distance Education
中文关键词:  远程教育  英语专业  学习者特征  个案研究
Key Words:distance education  English-based BA programme  characteristics of learners  case study
彭爱武 湖南广播电视大学文法部 
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      One distance learner of English-based BA programme was chosen as the client of the present case study. The open interview outline was based on the characteristics of distance adult learners. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were made through Tencent QQ and telephone. It was found that the client possessed the following features:Having finished the full-time medicine post graduate program,she took the English-based BA program of distance education as a way of her second academic certificate education. She endured loneliness in the course of distance learning. She was required to learn the knowledge and skills,which she had grasped in her first academic certificate education programme and her work,under the press caused by the conflict between working and learning to obtain credits to meet the requirements for graduation. This provides us with new insight in future curriculum design,reforming in teaching and learning of distance education in the view of small private online course(SPOC),and accreditation of prior learning.
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