秦石乔.“1+X+1/X”的光电专业人才培养知识体系初探[J].军事高等教育研究,2017,40(1):86-89,102 本文二维码信息
A Preliminary Study on the“1+X+1/X”Knowledge System for Talents Cultivation in Opto-electronics
中文关键词:  光电  光电信息科学与工程  光学工程  知识体系  课程体系
Key Words:opto-electronic  opto-electronic information science and engineering  optical engineering  knowledge system  curriculum system
秦石乔 国防科学技术大学光电科学与工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 3889
全文下载次数: 4576
      From the typical configuration of opto-electronic systems,this paper sums up the required knowledge system structure for opto-electronics professionals,and further investigates the multidisciplinary characteristics of the knowledge system. On the basis of this,we propose the construction of a merged multidisciplinary knowledge system which combines the core discipline of optical engineering(denoted as 1)with other subjects such as electronics and computer science(denoted as X). Considering the cultivation aim and the occupation requirements,one main discipline among the multiple disciplines(denoted as 1/X)should be intensified as the characteristic in the proposed construction program of the knowledge system for the major of opto-electronics. It will provide valuable reference for unifying the characteristics-varied cultivation systems for the major of opto-electronics in different universities and strengthening the research and construction of the curriculum system for cultivating talents in opto-electronics.
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