张楚廷.再论善于善[J].军事高等教育研究,2017,40(1):42-45 本文二维码信息
Rediscussion on Being Good at Stressing on Moral
中文关键词:    道德  机制
Key Words:being good  morality  mechanism
张楚廷 湖南师范大学教育科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 4095
全文下载次数: 3639
      “Shanyu Shan”is more commonly known as“being good at stressing on moral”. The moral activity of human beings appears as a whole,however,we can decompose it from a speculative point of view. This activity is nothing but psychological. Psychological activity can be decomposed into four aspects:knowledge,emotion,intention and behavior. It is not easy to be good at stressing on moral. It is not difficult to have a general understanding of moral. Moral habit formation,cultivation of moral feelings and tempering moral will are rather difficult. Therefore,one should follow correct opinions or well-intentioned advice like water flowing swiftly and smoothly downward. Ancient Greek philosophers pointed out that private ownership is the foundation of morality,which is true for material values and is also true for spiritual values. Individuals should be good at stressing on moral. It seems that a society should also be good at stressing on moral. People should be kind to the society,but they are not to be taught to a great extent. The key does not lie on how high their consciousness is. The design of mechanism is more important.
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