张鹏,张会如,赵俭,施雯,喻勇.军校本科学员学校归属感的调查与分析[J].军事高等教育研究,2016,39(4):69-73,88 本文二维码信息
A Survey and an Analysis of the Sense of School Belonging of the Undergraduate Students in Military Academies
中文关键词:  归属感  军校  本科学员
Key Words:sense of school belonging  military academy  undergraduate student
张鹏 解放军理工大学训练部 
张会如 解放军理工大学训练部 
赵俭 解放军理工大学训练部 
施雯 解放军理工大学训练部 
喻勇 解放军理工大学训练部 
摘要点击次数: 4200
全文下载次数: 3696
      To explore the characteristics and influencing factors of the Sense of School Belonging of the undergraduate students in military academies,a sample survey and an empirical analysis in which the Sense of School Belonging was divided into the feeling degree of being cared,the feeling degree of adhering to school,and the learning satisfaction were carried out. The results show that the Sense of School Belonging of the undergraduate students in military academies is in a relatively low level. The Sense of School Belonging of the cadets who major in technology is better than that of the cadets who major in command. The Sense of School Belonging of the junior cadets is better than that of senior cadets. The main influencing factors are the relation with other cadets,quality of the teaching,cadet management system and interest in major. The Sense of School Belonging is influenced less by the facility condition of the school.
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