江先锋.骨干教师教学团队中青年教师职业精神现状调查——基于上海某高校的实证分析[J].军事高等教育研究,2016,39(3):76-83 本文二维码信息
An Investigation of the Present Situation of Professionalism of Young Teachers’among the Backbone Teaching Teams:Based on an Empirical Analysis of a Certain University in Shanghai
中文关键词:  骨干教师教学团队  青年教师  职业精神  实证分析  对策建议
Key Words:backbone teachers team  young teachers  professionalism  empirical analysis  countermeasures and suggestion
江先锋 上海工程技术大学党委宣传部 
摘要点击次数: 4446
全文下载次数: 3641
      By investrgating questionaires done by young teachers in the backbone teachers team of a certain university in Shanghai,the auther finds out that at present the integral situation of young teachers’professionalism is fairly good,but there exist some problems:work tension needs to be further soothed;individual hobbies need to be displayed;policy in favor of young eachers and working conclitions need to should be carried out in income distribution;be improved. Consequently, in order to promote professionatism-cultivating of young teachers of backbone teachers team,the paper puts fornard countermeasccres and suggestion,namely,establishcicg effective excitation mechanism helps soothe young teachers’psychotogical tension,strengthening their responsibility in work,displaying and respecting young teachers’persconahty and hobbies and enhancing their accomplishment sense;formulating policies to raise young teachers’distribution rate in the team’s fund and increasing their dignity of work;exploiting potentiality to better young teachers’working conditions and surrounding and enhancing their sense of happiness in work.
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