梁晓波,郭锦亮,曾广.文化传播视域下的MOOC教育及其发展策略[J].军事高等教育研究,2016,39(3):35-39,52 本文二维码信息
MOOC Education and Its Development Strategy Viewed from Cultural Communication
中文关键词:  慕课  文化传播  教育  发展策略
Key Words:MOOC  culture communication  education  development strategy
梁晓波 国防科学技术大学人文与社会科学学院 
郭锦亮 国防科学技术大学人文与社会科学学院 
曾广 国防科学技术大学人文与社会科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 4017
全文下载次数: 4203
      As a new type of higher education based on connectivism and Internet technology, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) have achieved a significant development during these years. In the context of educational globalization,as the carrier of knowledge and culture, MOOC will call a better competence on the inter-cultural communication. Based on the development of MOOC,this paper points out the relationship between the MOOC education and inter-cultural communication,and figures out the necessity and urgency of improving the competence of MOOC’s inter-cultural communication by analyzing the gap between our status quo and that of the developed countries. Furthermore, the paper also gives the strategic counter measures for improvement:to make macro design of building MOOC and highlight the best ones;to carefully choose the content of courses to show our national characteristics and global view;to improve the efficiency of inter-cultural communication by using better expressive form;to take the advantages of MOOC with multimedia;to well allocate resources by cooperating with enterprises and volunteers who are fans of MOOC.
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