曹伟,李峰,周书仁,何施茗,郑莹.基于专业认证的计算机科学与技术专业持续改进研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2016,39(2):114-120 本文二维码信息
A Research on Continuous Improvement of Computer Science and Technology Specialty Based on Engineering Education Accreditation
中文关键词:  工程教育专业认证  计算机科学与技术专业  专业建设  人才培养质量
Key Words:engineering education accreditation  computer science and technology specialty  specialty construction  talent cultivating quality
基金项目:湖南省普通高等学校教育改革研究项目(湘教通[2014]272号);湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目( 湘财教指〔2015〕54 号)
曹伟 长沙理工大学计算机与通信工程学院 
李峰 长沙理工大学计算机与通信工程学院 
周书仁 长沙理工大学计算机与通信工程学院 
何施茗 长沙理工大学计算机与通信工程学院 
郑莹 长沙理工大学计算机与通信工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 5669
全文下载次数: 4209
      According to the engineering education accreditation system,continuous improvement of the computer science and technology specialty of Changsha University of Science & Technology is studied in the paper,Firstly,it introduces the concept and requests of the engineering education accreditation system. Then,the existing practical problems of our specialty is analyzed.Combined with the preparation work of the engineering education accreditation of our specialty,thoughts and measures of specialty construction are discussed in detail. An effective supervising and evaluating system of teaching quality guided by the specialty training goal is set up. The quality supervising of every teaching part is strengthened. A graduate tracking and responding mechanism as well as the social evaluating mechanism is improved. The training means is reformed continuously to make sure continuing promotion of the specialty talents cultivating quality.
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