刘燕,周长峰.领导力体验式行为训练及效果评估——以国防科学技术大学“领导力训练营” 为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2016,39(1):38-42 本文二维码信息
领导力体验式行为训练及效果评估——以国防科学技术大学“领导力训练营” 为例
Leadership-experiencing Behavioral Training and Its Effect Evaluation:Taking the“Leadership-training-Battalion”of NUDT as an Example
中文关键词:  领导力  体验式行为训练  柯氏评估模型  效果评估
Key Words:leadership  experiencing behavioral training  moded of evaluation  effect evaluation
刘燕 国防科学技术大学信息系统与管理学院 
周长峰 国防科学技术大学人文与社会科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 5247
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      国防科大领导力训练营以“实践” 为宗旨,采用体验式行为训练作为主要模式,通过构建一个虚拟的环境,以学生为主体,让受训学员在环境中体验、提问和反馈,最后达到强化和巩固作用的一种训练方式。对参加“领导力训练营” 学员的训练结果进行评价,是检视训练效果的重要手段。在介绍“领导力训练营” 训练项目的基础上,采用柯氏评估模型对训练的效果进行评估,建立了反应层、学习层和行为层评估的指标体系,并通过与传统训练方式的比较,得出体验式行为训练方式在反应层、学习层、行为层、结果层四个层面的评估都明显优于传统的训练方式。
      Aiming at practice,the leadership-training-battalion of NUDT adopts experiencing behavioral training as the main mode. By building a virtual surrounding,taking cadets as the subjects,this training method lets cadets experience,put forward questions and feed back so as to strengthen and consolidate training. Evaluating training results of the cadets’participating in the leadership-training battalion is and important approach to examine training effects. On the basis of the illustration of items of the leadership-training-battalion,this study evaluates the training effect by applying Kirkpatrick Model,builds an indexing system for evaluation including the response level,the study level,and the behavior level. And comparing with the traditional training method,the paper draws a conclusion that the experiencing behavioral training is obviously superior to the traditional training method in evaluation of the response level,the study level,the behavior level and the result level.
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