董翔英,吕亚飞,邹饶邦彦.模拟工作过程教学 促进知识能力转换——军队任职教育教学方法的认识与实践[J].军事高等教育研究,2015,38(4):97-99,108 本文二维码信息
模拟工作过程教学 促进知识能力转换——军队任职教育教学方法的认识与实践
Teaching Based on Working Process and Promoting Knowledge Transforming into Ability:The Cognition and Practice of the Teaching Method of Vocational Education of Military Academies
中文关键词:  任职教育  工作过程  教学方法  角色
Key Words:vocational education  working process  teaching method  role
董翔英 军事交通学院军用车辆系 
吕亚飞 军事交通学院军用车辆系 
邹饶邦彦 军事交通学院军用车辆系 
摘要点击次数: 4259
全文下载次数: 3642
      Vocational education should center on the specific requirements of knowledge and ability to educate and drill cadets. This teaching method based on working process carried out training in relevant knowledge and skills on the background of the real workplace, on the basis of job nodes, guided by the working process. Its essential core was a practical activity which made theoretical knowledge applied to a special post. It could improve students’ posts competencies in the training closing to army and closing to the post. Taking 4+1-type students of new vehicle equipment management as the target, this paper made a thorough research on the teaching method of vocational education based on working process. Practice shows that this teaching method can effectively promote knowledge transforming into ability and can significantly improve the conditions for ability growth of student posts competencies.
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