张楚廷.艺术在生活中 生活在艺术中[J].军事高等教育研究,2015,38(3):38-41 本文二维码信息
艺术在生活中 生活在艺术中
Art Being in Life and Living in Art
中文关键词:  艺术  科学  生活  教学艺术
Key Words:art  science  life  teaching art
张楚廷 湖南师范大学教育科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 5534
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      艺术本是从生活中来的,出来的艺术并没有离开生活,仍在其中; “艺术在生活中”,是一个对客观状况的描述和分析。“生活在艺术中”,是一个主观的愿望,希望能生活在艺术中,希望生活能达到艺术的高度,希望艺术般地生活,从而有更高的生活品味和质量。每个领域都可能出现艺术,教学亦然。教学艺术可能包括教材处理艺术、表达艺术、语言艺术、交流艺术、追问艺术、时间配置艺术,等等。与绘画艺术、书法艺术、雕刻艺术、戏剧艺术等相比较而言,教学艺术有其特别之处:一是神往、交互;二是有特定的对象,因而有特别的使命;三是它更是未来的艺术,通天达地的艺术。艺是术,术不一定是艺。术须达到一定高度才叫艺。教学活动达到艺术的境界,需要磨练;而磨练需要长期的坚持;长期的坚持源自热爱,还有责任、美学与哲学的支撑、知识的广博。
      Art originates from life and such art is not apart from life and it is still in life,“Art being in life”is a description and an analysis of objective beings.“Living in art”is a subjective wish. One wishes to live in art,wishes that his life would reach the height of art and he would live artistically so that he would have higher tastes and quality in life. Art might appear in every field,including teaching. Teaching art might include art in dealing with teaching materials,art in expression,art of language,art in communication,art in questioning and art in time placement and so on. Compared with art in painting,calligraphy,carving and theatrical art,teaching art is,firstly,special in appealingness and communitiveness. Secondly,there is a particular object for teaching art and it has special mission. Thirdly,it is art for future:and it is an art having access fo the heaven and the world. Artistry and skills are methods,but methods may not be artistry and skills. Methods reaching a certain height can be called artistry or skills. Teaching activities cannot reach the acme of art unless it is cultivated. Cultivation needs perseverance for a long time,while long-term perseverance comes from devotion,responsibility,support of aesthetics and philosophy and extensive knowledge.
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