张慧萍,刘靖旭,张光伟.“一元多线” 教学模式在管理学经典著作导读课程中的应用研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2015,38(2):106-111 本文二维码信息
“一元多线” 教学模式在管理学经典著作导读课程中的应用研究
A Study on Application of “ A Side and Multiple Lines” Teaching Mode in the Introduction to Classics of Management Science Course
中文关键词:  “一元多线”教学模式  管理学经典著作导读  应用
Key Words:“ a side and multiple lines” teaching mode  introduction to classics of management science  application
张慧萍 信息工程大学指挥军官基础教育学院 
刘靖旭 信息工程大学指挥军官基础教育学院 
张光伟 信息工程大学指挥军官基础教育学院 
摘要点击次数: 3996
全文下载次数: 3861
      “一元多线”教学模式主要涵盖教学内容和教学方法的创新。“一元多线” 教学内容的创新是指以管理学经典原著为教学的“一元” 核心,以经济学、政治学、社会学和心理学等多学科理论体系为“多线”支撑; “一元多线” 教学方法的创新是指以“研究式” 教学方法为“一元”核心,以讲授式、课题研讨式和对话-辨析式教学方法为“多线” 辅助。在课堂教学实践中,注意控制讲授范围和经典原著的选择性阅读以及把握教学环节。目的在于增强“教”与“学”双方的质疑批判精神和学术挖掘能力,达到良好的教学效果。
      The innovation of teaching content and teaching method mainly covers “ A Side and Multiple Lines” teaching mode. Teaching content innovation of“A Side and Multiple Lines” refers to the core of “A side ” from the classical original works of management science, and the theoretical system in economics, political science, sociology and psychology as “multiple line” support. The teaching method innovation of “ A Side and Multiple Lines” refers to the core of “ A side” from the “research” of teaching methods, and the teaching method of the lecture type, the topic discussing type, the dialogue-analysis type as “multiple line” support. In the classroom teaching, we pay attention to the control of the teaching scope and choose the classic original works and grasp the teaching link. The aim is to increase the criticizing spirit of the “teaching” and “learning” on both sides and their academic ability of excavation so as to achieve excellent teaching effects.
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