古添雄,朱孔军.高校学生军训管理研究——基于中山大学“一体两翼” 军训管理实践[J].军事高等教育研究,2015,38(2):78-83 本文二维码信息
高校学生军训管理研究——基于中山大学“一体两翼” 军训管理实践
A Study of Universities’ Student Military Training Management——Based on the "One Body-Two Wings" Management Practice of Military Training of Sun Yat-sen University
中文关键词:  高校  中山大学  军训管理  “一体两翼”
Key Words:university  Sun Yat-sen university  military training management  one body-two wings
古添雄 中山大学武装部 
朱孔军 中山大学党委 
摘要点击次数: 4747
全文下载次数: 3972
      军训是高校素质教育的重要组成部分,是大学生在校期间履行兵役义务、接受国防教育的重要方式。近年来,高校军训工作逐步制度化、规范化,但在课程建设、组织管理等、方面仍存局限,且有发展成纯行政事务之虞,违背教育管理的初衷。本文以教育管理实践为视角,运用公共管理学理论,从当前高校军训管理工作中存在的问题出发,立足中山大学军训管理实践,多维度介绍了“一体两翼” 军训管理模式的结构及运行机制。强调在推进军训管理工作时,要运用公共管理的思维理念,科学规划、严密组织、善于激励、加强管控,彰显学生军训的“国防功能”和“育人功能”。实践证明,该模式科学性强,推广价值较高,是目前国内高校较为理想的军训管理模式之一。
      Military training,an important part of quality-oriented education in universities,is a vital way for college students to fulfill their obligations and receive national defense education. The organization of military training has become more and more institutionalized and normalized in recent years. However,some limitations also exist in curricula construction and organization,violating the certain goal of education management. This essay,from multiple dimensions,introduces the structure of management of military training called One Body-Two Wings,based on the practice of military training in Sun Yat-sen University,applying some theories of public management. It highlights that we should make scientific plans,well-organized,good at motivating the advanced and enhance control to implement the functions of national defense and education. It has been found that this model is one of ideal management practices of military training and of great science and promotional value.
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