欧保全,周艳丽,吴伟.物理实践教学与创新人才培养[J].军事高等教育研究,2013,36(Z1):15-18 本文二维码信息
Take Full Advantage of Physical Laboratories in Practical Teaching to Speedup the Cultivation of Innovative Talents
中文关键词:  物理实验室  实践教学  基础实践  专业实践  综合实践  科研项目实践
Key Words:physical laboratory  practical teaching  junior practice  senior practice  integration practice  researchprogram practice
欧保全 国防科学技术大学理学院 
周艳丽 国防科学技术大学理学院 
吴伟 国防科学技术大学理学院 
摘要点击次数: 4601
全文下载次数: 4425
      The practical teaching courses play an important role in the cultivation of high - tech military talents with excellent innovative ability. In fact, the practical teaching courses last for almost four years in the undergraduate courses in the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT). This paper studied the status of the practical teaching courses in physics in different universities in China, and finds some ways to solve the problems in the same courses in the NUDT. The core of the suggested new way is taking full advantages of physical laboratories in the teaching processes, detailed ways include renewing the contents of junior practice courses, increasing the percentage of practical courses in senior undergraduate courses, completing the integration practical courses and enhancing the research program practice. When different types of physical laboratories are fully functioning in the practical teaching system, the innovative talents will be boosted up in the near future.
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